@article{RCBDR04, author = { Sanjay Raman and Dwaine Clarke and Matt Burnside and Srinivas Devadas and Ronald L. Rivest }, title = { Access-Controlled Resource Discovery for Pervasive Networks }, pages = { 1099--1120 }, doi = { 10.1002/cpe.806 }, journal = { Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience }, publisher = { Wiley }, OPTyear = { 2004 }, OPTmonth = { September }, date = { 2004-09 }, volume = { 16 }, number = { 11 }, htmlnote = { An extended version of RCBDR03. }, OPTannote = { An extended version of SAC '03 version. }, keywords = { access control, access control list, pervasive computing, intentional naming network, public key infrastructure }, abstract = { Networks of the future will be characterized by a variety of computational devices that display a level of dynamism not seen in traditional wired networks. Becuase of the dynamic nature of these networks, resource discovery is one of the fundamental problems that must be faced. While resource discovery systems are not a novel concept, securing these systems in an efficient and scalable way is challenging. This paper describes the design and implementation of an architecture for access-controlled resource discovery. This system achieves this goal by integrating access control with the Intentional Naming System (INS), a resource discovery and service location system. The integration is also scalable, efficient, and fits well within a proxy-based security framework designed for dynamic networks. We provide performance experiments that show how our solutions outperforms existing schemes. The result is a system that provides secure, access-controlled resource discovery that can scale to large numbers of resources and users. }, }