Oct. 30, 2003 Talk:
Mathematical Sculpture by George Hart
Abstract: Sculptor/mathematician George W. Hart will bring examples and
show slides of some of his mathematically informed sculptures. These include
works made of metal, wood, acrylic, paper, CDROMs, floppy disks, forks, knives,
spoons, etc. Also shown will be three-minute videos of the assembly of two
recent commissions: a six-foot sculpture constructed from 642 CDROMs in the
Computer Science building at U.C. Berkeley, and a five-foot sculpture
constructed at a community "barn raising" event, at the Northport NY Public
Library. For examples of Hart's work, see http://www.georgehart.com/. Each is
founded on a mathematical structure of some type. Many involve novel
algorithms, Rapid Prototyping techniques, (Solid Freeform Fabrication) or
laser-cutting to create very accurate components for assembly.
With this background, the talk will also introduce a new group sculpture
assembly project to take place on the MIT campus. Students and other members of
the MIT community are invited to participate in the assembly of laser-cut
wooden components into a new sculpture.
Photos by Mark Hoffman: